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Lets Play Guitar

Aug 18, 2010

I tried this guitar gadget. It's cool. Only use the mouse to touch the strings.

How To Plan Your Business

Determining Your Product/Service Line

Focus on what specific type of product or service you want to sell. Some of the factors given for consideration will help you come up with a great idea for a product – what specific field are you interested in? Can you apply your skills or background work experience to this field? Provided below are the different types of product/service lines:
1.Product Industries - You may choose to manufacture your own product, either for the mass market or for specialized or individual demands. Canned goods, wooden or plastic toys, and ready-to-wear garments are examples of goods produced for the mass market, while precision instruments for industrial use of made-to-order furniture are examples of specialized products.

2.Process Industries - You may decide to perform only one or two operations in the total manufacturing process. If so, you are not, strictly speaking, a “manufacturer” but rather a “process” enterprise. The activities you perform can be initial operations on raw materials (milling, corrugating, sawing, or cutting), final operations (fishing, assembly, packing, or binding), or skilled or precision operations (embroidery, testing, woodcarving).

3.Subcontracting Industries - If you choose to be a subcontractor, you will undertake subcontracting work for other industries, usually bigger ones. Bigger industries sometimes subcontract the manufacture of components, supplies, or other specialized operations to smaller shops because the quality required is not viable for their high-capacity operations. Many big companies also find subcontracting a more low-cost and faster way of manufacturing products. Also, you are assured of a market for your products. You can also avail of technical and financial assistance from the big companies. One drawback of subcontracting, though, is that you rely on only one firm or two for your survival.

4.Service Industries - You could choose to sell services. Service enterprises include repair and maintenance shops, printing and machine shops, and food catering establishments. Beauty parlors, dress and tailoring shops, recreation establishments (bowling alleys and billiard halls), and entertainment enterprises (theaters, discos, and pub houses) are also considered service businesses.

Although falling under the broad classification of a service enterprise, you may consider the trading business a fifth option. The most common type of trading enterprise is retailing.

A Small Piggery Business

Aug 12, 2010

Last year, I started a small piggery in our backyard. My mother and my brother are the one who taking care of because I'm not there to look after it. But before we started everything, we built a cage which is good for 6 piglets with a water drainage and septic tanks. They told me, that is the necessary requirements for this kind of business. 

From my mother and brother first harvest, they sold quiet a few piglets. And then they bought new pig (inahin) to add the  4 pigs (inahin)  that we started.

Here  we hear  from Rolly Bautista,51, who helped Enterpreneur with some basic knowledge for people who want to gets into this kind of business. He, maintains a 200 square meter pig cage in his backyard in Apalit, Pampanga. He has been in this line of business since 2000. 

Keep It Clean

“It is not true that pigs are filthy animals. In fact, they can easily catch diseases if their surroundings, and even the people who take care of them or approach them, are unclean,” he said.

So for those who want to use their backyards for a small-scale piggery business, Rolly said the first emphasis should be on the pig cage or pen. He said that a drainage system and a septic tank are musts. Through this, every time the pigs urinate or defecates, the area can be cleaned immediately. The pigs defecate twice a day and the cage will only become smelly if they get mixed with the urine.

“If you will immediately clean the cage, it will not smell bad and your neighbors will not even notice that you have a piggery in your backyard because it will not emit a foul smell,” he said.

There should also be a steady source of water because the pigs need to be washed at least once a day. They also need to drink clean water regularly.

The roofing of the cage should be high to help it have proper ventilation, because the sow will easily suffer a miscarriage if the area gets too hot.

The pen should have regular anti-bacterial sprays.

Bautista said a 200-square meter pen can accommodate up to 10 sows (inahin) and 50 fattener piglets. 

For those interested in starting a piggery, there are two options to choose from.

1. Grow so-called 'fatteners' and sell them when they have reached at least 90 kilos in weight.

A fattener, Bautista says, is a pig with an age ranging from one month to 45 days. They can be bought at an average of P1,600 t P1, 800 each, depending on the prevailing market price. They consume an average of one sack of feeds per month at P1200 each sack. They are ready to be sold after three months.

As a sample estimate, if the prevailing price is P100 per kilo for live pigs, then a 100-kilo pig will sell P10,000.

Slaughtering the pig and selling it to neighbors might net you an additional 30-percent mark-up.

2. Pig breeding

Another option is breeding and selling pigs wholesale. Bautista says a 120-day-old sow (Dumalaga) can be bought for a minimum of P12,000 each. It will then take an average of four to six months for the sow to give birth.

“Make sure that you keep the sow thin so it will not have more piglets and will not have a hard time giving birth. It is best to limit to one kilo the feeds that it will eat for one day,” he said.

In doing this, Rolly said the sow can give birth to more than 20 piglets. A fatter sow, on the other hand, can only have up to eight piglets.

After taking care of the piglets for one month, he said they can be sold already for at least P1,000.

In receiving buyers, Rolly said you must make sure that they will not get too close to the pigs. This is because there is a possibility that they have been to other piggeries and they may have brought some diseases with them.

While in the business, Rolly said the seminars usually given by the suppliers and manufacturers of feeds are a must. The feeds producers also dispatch their veterinarians once a week to the piggery owners.

“You should be well-informed especially with the new kinds of diseases that are coming out,” he said.

Rolly said the business will continue to be profitable as long as cleanliness will emanate from the owners themselves.

Entrep Tip: Pigs usually cost higher after the Holiday season because the supplies have run out by that time. Rolly said you can adjust your mating schedules according to this.

Why I Blog?

I never into writing because this is not my field and I don't like it. I rather play counter strike or sniper game in my computer or listen music. I always ashamed also using English word or language because I know I'm not into grammar. But Charmie convince me to write sabi nga niya " practice ka lang". So here I am now trying, giving you the best I can offer in my new hobby. Sabi ni Charm gawin ko daw itong hobby dahil daw balang araw baka ma promote daw ako at magiging writer na at malamangan ko na daw siya. Sorry if I'm using two languages. Ito lang ang kaya kung ibigay sa ngayon.

Welcome To My New Born Blog

Aug 10, 2010

“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.”

By: Ralph Waldo Emerson



Hi, welcome here in my newborn blog. The thing that I've missed in the past is the thing that I never regret. It was my stepping stone to move forward and proud of who I am now. 

This blog contains my hobbies and interest as a man. Likely music, hi-technologies, recommended websites, and some electrical hobbies and more categories in general.

I will appreciate your help to make my blog popular. Wish me all the best of luck.

God Bless Us All!

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